Occlusal Fingerprint Analyser - A virtual tool for the analysis of tooth contacts in mammalian dentitions.

Based on occlusal surface wear, masticatory movements are reconstructed.
This is a new approach for interpreting evolutionary changes in mammalian dentitions. As part of the DFG FOR 771 at the Senckenberg Research Institute in Frankfurt am Main, a new computer program has been developed for the detailed analysis of occlusal contact movement.
The "Occlusal Fingerprint Analyser" (OFA) software is applied for virtual simulation and detection of tooth contact during mastication. With the help of collision detection, the contact surfaces can be visualized and measured in the chewing motion. The digital quantification of functional areas on the virtual tooth crowns allows the assessment of precision and efficiency of teeth while chewing.
In ongoing DFG-FOR 771 projects, evolutionary stages of different mammalian dental morphologies and their ancestors are compared in function. The software is developed for scientific purposes in biological and paleontological basic research.
An important requirement of the OFA is its wide applicability to various scientific environments and so it is being developed for GNU / Linux and Microsoft Windows systems. To better meet this goal, the software, which was funded by the German Research Society, is published under an Open Source license upon completion.
Idea and coordination:
Dr. Ottmar Kullmer
Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut Frankfurt a. M.
Senckenberganlage 25
60325 Frankfurt a. M.
Auftragnehmer und Programmierung:
ZiLoX IT – Heiko Zimmermann & Stephan Lorsbach GbR
Hauptstraße 60
55595 Wallhausen
Morphisto GmbH
Senckenberganlage 25
60325 Frankfurt/Main
- https://www.paleontology.uni-bonn.de/de/medien-inhalte/forschung/for771/ofa_manual.pdf/@@download
- https://www.paleontology.uni-bonn.de/de/medien-inhalte/forschung/for771/ofa_2-1-1817_amd64.deb/@@download
- https://www.paleontology.uni-bonn.de/de/medien-inhalte/forschung/for771/ofasetup_1810_x86-64.exe/@@download