Prof. Dr. Thomas Litt

Research focus

  • Palaeobotany, Palynology
  • Paleoecology, paleoclimate research,
  • Interrelationship between geosphere and biosphere,
  • Human-environment interactions in prehistoric and early historic times,
  • Vegetation history of Europe and the Middle East

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      Prof. Dr. Thomas Litt


      Kirschallee 3

      53115 Bonn


      Scientific career

      Thomas Litt studied prehistory and early history, geology and botany at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. Before and after completing his doctorate in Quaternary geology at the University of Greifswald in 1987, he worked at the State Museum of Prehistory in Halle. From 1990 to 1993 he worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Geological Sciences at the University of Halle and until 1994 as a senior research assistant at the Institute of Geophysics and Geology at the University of Leipzig. In 1993 he received the Credner Prize of the German Geological Society. After completing his habilitation in general geology, he accepted a professorship in palaeobotany at the University of Bonn in 1994.

      As a geoscientist with a focus on palaeontology, Litt deals with questions of the interrelationship between the geosphere and the biosphere in recent Earth history. He uses lake sediments obtained through drilling as archives for palaeoecology and palaeoclimatology. In recent years, the focus of his scientific work has been on the investigation of long continental sediment sequences from deep lakes in the Near and Middle East, which record the vegetation and climate history of the last millennia without gaps. He led a multidisciplinary scientific drilling programme in Turkey (Lake Van Drilling Project PALEOVAN) with support from the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP). He was also involved in complementary research in the Dead Sea in Israel (ICDP Dead Sea Deep Drilling Project). These palaeoclimate archives have been studied in detail as part of the Collaborative Research Centre 806 "Our Way to Europe: Culture-Environment Interaction and Human Mobility in the Late Quaternary", of which Litt was deputy spokesperson. In 2015, he received a Lady Davis Fellowship combined with a visiting professorship of several months at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Since 2020, he has been a full member of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences and Arts as well as since 2023 member of the DFG Research Unit 5438 „Urban impacts on the Mongolian Plateau - Entanglements of Economy, City and Environment".

      Current and ongoing projects

      • Environmental Response on Climate Events in the Levant, Near East and SE Europe during the last 200,000 years based on Long continental Records
        (Project B3, DFG Collaborative Research Centre 806 (SFB) “Our Way to Europe”)
      • Faunal assemblages and Biomes at the Anthropological Frontier around 50-40 ka BP
        (Project E8, DFG Collaborative Research Centre 806 (SFB) “Our Way to Europe”)
      • Lake Van Drilling Project “PaleoVan”, a long continental record in eastern Turkey
        (DFG – Priority Program (SPP) ICDP, LI 582/15-1-2, LI 582/20-1-2)
      • Flow cytometry method for purification of fossil pollen from Lake Van varved sediments for AMS radiocarbon dating – a new approach
        (DFG Priority Program (SPP) ICDP, Pickarski/Litt)
      • Paleoclimate and paleoecology of the continental Eastern Mediterranean region - High- resolution pollen analysis from Lake Van during the Middle Pleistocene (MIS 8 to 10)
        (DFG Priority Program (SPP) ICDP, Pickarski/Litt)
      • Palaeoecology and Palaeoclimate of the Mongolian Plateau and their impact on urbanism (DFG Research Unit 5438, Project 8)

      Selected publications

      Danladi, I.B., Akcer-Ön, S., Litt, T., Ön, Z.B., Wacker, L. (2023): Late Holocene climate reconstruction from the high-altitude Lake Gölcük sedimentary records, Isparta (SW Anatolia). Quaternary Research (
      Pickarski, N., Kwiecien, O., Litt, T. (2023): Volcanic impact on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in the Eastern Mediterranean. Communications Earth & Environment 4:167 (
      Steinhoff, C., Pickarski, N., Litt, T., Hajdas, I., Welte, C., Wurst, P., Kühne, D., Dolf, A., Germer, M. and Kallmeyer, J. 2022. „NEW APPROACH TO SEPARATE AND DATE SMALL SPORES AND POLLEN FROM LAKE SEDIMENTS IN SEMI-ARID CLIMATES“. Radiocarbon. 64(5): 1191-1207.
      Miebach, A., Power, M.J., Besag, T.R., Netzel, T., Holombaroli, D. and Litt, T. 2022. „Changing fire regimes during the first olive cultivation in the Meditieranean Basin: New high-resolution evidence from the Sea of Galilee, Israel.“. Global and Planetary Change. 210 (2022): 103774.
      Litt, T., Richter, J., Schäbitz, F. (eds.). 2021. The Journey of Modern Humans from Africa to Europe. Culture-Environmental Interaction and Mobility. Schweizerbart Stuttgart. ISBN: 978-3-510-65534-2.
      Litt, T. 2021. „The southern Levant as migration corridor and barrier.“. In: The Journey of Modern Humans from Africa to Europe. Culture-Environmental Interaction and Mobility.. 63-71. Litt, T., Richter, J. & Schäbitz, F. (eds). Schweizerbart Stuttgart. ISBN: 978-3-510-65534-2.
      Miebach, A., Stolzenberger, S., Hense, A. and Litt, T. 2021. „The palaeoenvironment of the southern Levant during the last interglacial-glacial cycle.“. In: The Journey of Modern Humans from Africa to Europe. Culture-Environmental Interaction and Mobility. 72-78. Litt, T., Richter, J., Schäbitz, F. (eds.). Schweizerbart Stuttgart.
      Richter, J., Litt, T., Lehmkuhl, F., Hense, A., Hauck, T.C., Leder, D.F., Miebach, A., Parow-Souchon, H., Sauer, F., Schoenenberg, J., Al-Nahar, M. and Hussain, S.T. 2020. „Al-Ansab and the Dead Sea: Mid-MIS 3 archaeology and environment of the early Ahmarian population of the Levantine corridor“. PLOS ONE. 15(10): e0239968.
      Miebach, A., Stolzenberger, S., Wacker, L., Hense, A. and Litt, T. 2019. „A new Dead Sea pollen record reveals the last glacial paleoenvironment of the southern Levant“. Quaternary Science Reviews. 214: 98-116.
      Kappenberg, A., Lehndorff, E., Pickarski, N., Litt, T., Amelung, W. 2019. „Solar controls of fire history during the past 600, 000 years.“. Quaternary Science Reviews. 208: 97-104.
      Palmisano, A., Woodbridge, J., Roberts, C.N., Bevan, A., Fyfe, R., Shennan, S., Cheddadi, R., Greenberg, R., Kaniewski, D., Langgut, D., Leroy, S.A., Litt, T. and Miebach, A. 2019. „Holocene landscape dynamics and long-term population trends in the Levant“. The Holocene. 29(5): 708-727.
      Langgut, d., Cheddadi, R., Carrion, J.S., Cavanagh, M., Colombaroli, D., Eastwood, W.J., Greenberg, R., Litt, T., Mercuri, A.M., Miebach, A., Roberts, N., Woldring, H., Woodbridge, J. 2019. „The origin of olive domestication in the Mediterranean Basin: the fossil pollen evidence.“. The Holocene. 29: 902-922.
      Vossel, H., Roeser, P., Litt, T. and Reed, J.M. 2018. „Lake Kinneret (Israel): New insights into Holocene regional palaeoclimate variability based on high-resolution multi-proxy analysis“. The Holocene. 28(9): 1395-1410.
      Schiebel, V. and Litt, T. 2018. „Holocene vegetation history of the southern Levant based on a pollen record from Lake Kinneret (Sea of Galilee), Israel“. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany. 27(4): 577-590.
      Chen, C. and Litt, T. 2018. „Dead Sea pollen provides new insights into the paleoenvironment of the southern Levant during MIS 6–5“. Quaternary Science Reviews. 188: 15-27.
      Litt, T. and Ohlwein, C. 2017. „Pollen as Palaeoclimate Indicators in the Levant.“. In: Quaternary of the Levant. Environments, Climate Change, and Humans.. 337-345. Enzrel, Y., Bar-Yosef, O. (eds). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY.
      Pickarski, N. and Litt, T. 2017. „A new high-resolution pollen sequence at Lake Van, Turkey: insights into penultimate interglacial–glacial climate change on vegetation history“. Climate of the Past. 13(6): 689-710.
      Randlett, M., Bechtel, A., van der Meer, M.T.J., Peterse, F., Litt, T., Pickarski, N., Kwiecien, O., Stockhecke, M., Wehrli, B. and Schubert, C.J. 2017. „Biomarkers in Lake Van sediments reveal dry conditions in eastern Anatolia during 110.000-10.000 years B.P.“. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 18(2): 571-583.
      Miebach, A., Chen, C., Schwab, M.J., Stein, M. and Litt, T. 2017. „Vegetation and climate during the Last Glacial high stand (ca. 28–22 ka BP) of the Sea of Galilee, northern Israel“. Quaternary Science Reviews. 156: 47-56.
      Roeser, P., Franz, S.O. and Litt, T. 2016. „Aragonite and calcite preservation in sediments from Lake Iznik related to bottom lake oxygenation and water column depth“. Sedimentology. 63(7): 2253-2277.
      Miebach, A., Niestrath, P., Roeser, P. and Litt, T. 2016. „Impacts of climate and humans on the vegetation in northwestern Turkey: palynological insights from Lake Iznik since the Last Glacial“. Climate of the Past. 12(2): 575-593.
      Stockhecke, M., Timmermann, A., Kipfer, R., Haug, G.H., Kwiecien, O., Friedrich, T., Menviel, L., Litt, T., Pickarski, N. and Anselmetti, F.S. 2016. „Millennial to orbital-scale variations of drought intensity in the Eastern Mediterranean“. Quaternary Science Reviews. 133: 77-95.
      Wagner, S., Litt, T., Sánchez-Goñi, M. and Petit, R.J. 2015. „History of Larix decidua Mill. (European larch) since 130 ka“. Quaternary Science Reviews. 124: 224-247.
      Neugebauer, I., Brauer, A., Schwab, M.J., Dulski, P., Frank, U., Hadzhiivanova, E., Kitagawa, H., Litt, T., Schiebel, V., Taha, N. and Waldmann, N.D. 2015. „Evidences for centennial dry periods at 3300 and 2800 cal. yr BP from micro-facies analyses of the Dead Sea sediments“. The Holocene. 25(8): 1358-1371.
      Pickarski, N., Kwiecien, O., Langgut, D. and Litt, T. 2015. „Abrupt climate and vegetation variability in eastern Anatolia during the last glacial“. Climate of the Past. 11(11): 1491-1505.
      Pickarski, N., Kwiecien, O., Djamali, M. and Litt, T. 2015. „Vegetation and environmental changes during the last interglacial in eastern Anatolia (Turkey): a new high-resolution pollen record from Lake Van“. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 435: 145-158.
      Lehndorf, E., Wolf, M., Litt. T., Brauer, A., Amelung, W. 2015. „15,000 years of black carbon deposition - A post-glacial fire record from mar lake sediments (Germany)“. Quaternary Science Reviews. 110: 15-22.
      Langgut, D., Finkelstein, I., Litt, T., Harald Neumann, F. and Stein, M. 2015. „Vegetation and Climate Changes during the Bronze and Iron Ages (∼3600–600 BCE) in the Southern Levant Based on Palynological Records“. Radiocarbon. 57(2): 217-235.
      Litt, T. and Anselmetti, F.S. 2014. „Lake Van deep drilling project PALEOVAN“. Quaternary Science Reviews. 104: 1-7.
      Litt, T., Pickarski, N., Heumann, G., Stockhecke, M. and Tzedakis, P.C. 2014. „A 600,000 year long continental pollen record from Lake Van, eastern Anatolia (Turkey)“. Quaternary Science Reviews. 104: 30-41.
      Stockhecke, M., Kwiecien, O., Vigliotti, L., Anselmetti, F.S., Beer, J., Çağatay, M.N., Channell, J.E., Kipfer, R., Lachner, J., Litt, T., Pickarski, N. and Sturm, M. 2014. „Chronostratigraphy of the 600,000 year old continental record of Lake Van (Turkey)“. Quaternary Science Reviews. 104: 8-17.
      Kwiecien, O., Stockhecke, M., Pickarski, N., Heumann, G., Litt, T., Sturm, M., Anselmetti, F., Kipfer, R. and Haug, G.H. 2014. „Dynamics of the last four glacial terminations recorded in Lake Van, Turkey“. Quaternary Science Reviews. 104: 42-52.
      Randlett, M., Coolen, M.J., Stockhecke, M., Pickarski, N., Litt, T., Balkema, C., Kwiecien, O., Tomonaga, Y., Wehrli, B. and Schubert, C.J. 2014. „Alkenone distribution in Lake Van sediment over the last 270 ka: influence of temperature and haptophyte species composition“. Quaternary Science Reviews. 104: 53-62.
      LANGGUT, D., FINKELSTEIN, I. and LITT, T. 2013. „Climate and the Late Bronze Collapse: New Evidence from the Southern Levant“. Tel Aviv. 40(2): 149-175.
      Litt, T., Anselmetti, F.S., Baumgarten, H., Beer, J., Cagatay, N., Cukur, D., Damci, E., Glombitza, C., Haug, G., Heumann, G., Kallmeyer, J., Kipfer, R., Krastel, S., Kwiecien, O., Meydan, F., Örcen, S., Pickarski, N., Randlett, M.-E., Schmincke, H.-U., Schubert, C.J., Sturm, M., Sumita, M., Stockhecke, M., Tomonaga, Y., Vigliotti, L., Wonik, T., and the PALEOVAN Scientific Team 2012. „500, 000 Years of Environmental History in Eastern Anatolia: The PALEOVAN Drilling Project.“. Scientific Drilling. 14: 18-29.
      Simonis, D., Hense, A. and Litt, T. 2012. „Reconstruction of late Glacial and Early Holocene near surface temperature anomalies in Europe and their statistical interpretation“. Quaternary International. 274: 233-250.
      Viehberg, F.A., Ülgen, U.B., Damcı, E., Franz, S.O., Ön, S.A., Roeser, P.A., Çağatay, M.N., Litt, T. and Melles, M. 2012. „Seasonal hydrochemical changes and spatial sedimentological variations in Lake Iznik (NW Turkey)“. Quaternary International. 274: 102-111.
      Roeser, P.A., Franz, S.O., Litt, T., Ülgen, U.B., Hilgers, A., Wulf, S., Wennrich, V., Akçer Ön, S., Viehberg, F.A., Çağatay, M.N. and Melles, M. 2012. „Lithostratigraphic and geochronological framework for the paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the last ∼36 ka cal BP from a sediment record from Lake Iznik (NW Turkey)“. Quaternary International. 274: 73-87.
      Huguet, C., Fietz, S., Moraleda, N., Litt, T., Heumann, G., Stockhecke, M., Anselmetti, F.S. and Sturm, M. 2012. „A seasonal cycle of terrestrial inputs in Lake Van, Turkey“. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 19(8): 3628-3635.
      McCormick, M., Büntgen, U., Cane, M.A., Cook, E.R., Harper, K., Huybers, P., Litt, T., Manning, S.W., Mayewski, P.A., More, A.F.M., Nicolussi, K. and Tegel, W. 2012. „Climate Change during and after the Roman Empire: Reconstructing the Past from Scientific and Historical Evidence“. Journal of Interdisciplinary History. 43(2): 169-220.
      Litt, T., Ohlwein, C., Neumann, F.H., Hense, A. and Stein, M. 2012. „Holocene climate variability in the Levant from the Dead Sea pollen record“. Quaternary Science Reviews. 49: 95-105.
      Garreta, V., Miller, P.A., Guiot, J., Hély, C., Brewer, S., Sykes, M.T. and Litt, T. 2010. „A method for climate and vegetation reconstruction through the inversion of a dynamic vegetation model“. Climate Dynamics. 35(2-3): 371-389.
      LITT, T., SCHÖLZEL, C., KÜHL, N. and BRAUER, A. 2009. „Vegetation and climate history in the Westeifel Volcanic Field (Germany) during the past 11 000 years based on annually laminated lacustrine maar sediments“. Boreas. 38(4): 679-690.
      Liepelt, S., Cheddadi, R., de Beaulieu, J., Fady, B., Gömöry, D., Hussendörfer, E., Konnert, M., Litt, T., Longauer, R., Terhürne-Berson, R. and Ziegenhagen, B. 2009. „Postglacial range expansion and its genetic imprints in Abies alba (Mill.) — A synthesis from palaeobotanic and genetic data“. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 153(1-2): 139-149.
      Walker, M., Johnsen, S., Rasmussen, S.O., Popp, T., Steffensen, J., Gibbard, P., Hoek, W., Lowe, J., Andrews, J., Björck, S., Cwynar, L.C., Hughen, K., Kershaw, P., Kromer, B., Litt, T., Lowe, D.J., Nakagawa, T., Newnham, R. and Schwander, J. 2009. „Formal definition and dating of the GSSP (Global Stratotype Section and Point) for the base of the Holocene using the Greenland NGRIP ice core, and selected auxiliary records“. Journal of Quaternary Science. 24(1): 3-17.
      TOLLEFSRUD, M.M., KISSLING, R., GUGERLI, F., JOHNSEN, Ø., SKRØPPA, T., CHEDDADI, R., VAN DER KNAAP, W.O., LATAŁOWA, M., TERHÜRNE-BERSON, R., LITT, T., GEBUREK, T., BROCHMANN, C. and SPERISEN, C. 2008. „Genetic consequences of glacial survival and postglacial colonization in Norway spruce: combined analysis of mitochondrial DNA and fossil pollen“. Molecular Ecology. 17(18): 4134-4150.
      Litt, T., Schmincke, H.-U., Frechen, M., Schlüchter, C. 2008. „Quaternary“. In: The Geology of Central Europe.. 1287-1340. Mc Cann, T. (Ed.). Geol. Soc. London.
      Litt, T. and Gibbard, P.L. 2008. „A proposed Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Upper (Late) Pleistocene Subseries (Quaternary System/Period).“. In: The concise geologic time scale. 260-263. Ogg, James G. and Ogg, Gabi and Gradstein, F. M. (eds.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK and New York. ISBN: 9780521898492.
      Kühl, N., Gebhardt, C., Kaspar, F., Hense, A. and Litt, T. 2008. „Reconstruction of Quaternary temperature fields and model-data comparison“. PAGES news. 16(2): 8-9.
      Kühl, N., Litt, T., Schölzel, C. and Hense, A. 2007. „Eemian and Early Weichselian temperature and precipitation variability in northern Germany“. Quaternary Science Reviews. 26(25-28): 3311-3317.
      Gebhardt, C., Kühl, N., Hense, A. and Litt, T. 2008. „Reconstruction of Quaternary temperature fields by dynamically consistent smoothing“. Climate Dynamics. 30(4): 421-437.
      Neumann, F., Schölzel, C., Litt, T., Hense, A. and Stein, M. 2007. „Holocene vegetation and climate history of the northern Golan heights (Near East)“. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany. 16(4): 329-346.
      Kühl, N. & Litt, T. 2007. „Quantitative Time Series Reconstructions of Holsteinian and Eemian Temperatures Using Botanical Data.“. In: The climate of past interglacials. 239-254. Sirocko, F., Claussen, M., Sanchez Goñi, M.F., Litt, T. (Eds.). Elsevier, Amsterdam.
      Magri, D., Vendramin, G.G., Comps, B., Dupanloup, I., Geburek, T., Gömöry, D., Latałowa, M., Litt, T., Paule, L., Roure, J., Tantau, I., Van Der Knaap, W.O., Petit, R., De Beaulieu, J.-L. 2006. „Combined analyses of fossil and genetic data in the European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)“. New Phytologist. 171: 199-221.
      Cheddadi, R., Vendramin, G.G., Litt, T., François, L., Kageyama, M., Lorentz, S., Laurent, J., de Beaulieu, J., Sadori, L., Jost, A. and Lunt, D. 2006. „Imprints of glacial refugia in the modern genetic diversity of Pinus sylvestris“. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 15(3): 271-282.
      Kaspar, F. 2005. „A model-data comparison of European temperatures in the Eemian interglacial“. Geophysical Research Letters. 32(11):
      Terhürne-Berson, R., Litt, T. and Cheddadi, R. 2004. „The spread of Abies throughout Europe since the last glacial period: combined macrofossil and pollen data“. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany. 13(4): 257-268.
      SCHWAB, M. 2004. „Holocene palaeoecology of the Golan Heights (Near East): investigation of lacustrine sediments from Birkat Ram crater lake“. Quaternary Science Reviews. 23(16-17): 1723-1731.
      Kühl, N. & Litt, T. 2003. „Quantitative time series reconstruction of Eemian temperature at three European sites using pollen data.“. Vegetation history and Archaeobotany. 12: 205-214.
      Kühl. N., Litt, T., Schölzel, C. and Hense, A. 2003. „Environmental response to climate and volcanic events in central Europe during the Weichselian Lateglacial“. Quaternary Science Reviews. 22: 7-32.
      Kühl, N., Gebhardt, C., Litt, T. and Hense, A. 2002. „Probability Density Functions as Botanical-Climatological Transfer Functions for Climate Reconstruction“. Quaternary Research. 58(3): 381-392.
      Heumann, G. and Litt, T. 2002. „Stratigraphy and paleoecology of the Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene in the open-cast mine Hambach (Lower Rhine Basin)“. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences - Geologie en Mijnbouw. 81(2): 193-199.
      Brauer, A., Litt, T., Negendank, J.F.W. and Zolitschka, B. 2001. „Lateglacial varve chronology and biostratigraphy of lakes Holzmaar and Meerfelder Maar, Germany“. Boreas. 30(1): 83-88.
      Litt, T., Brauer, A., Goslar, T., Merkt, J., Bałaga, K., Müller, H., Ralska-Jasiewiczowa, M., Stebich, M. and Negendank, J.F. 2001. „Correlation and synchronisation of Lateglacial continental sequences in northern central Europe based on annually laminated lacustrine sediments“. Quaternary Science Reviews. 20(11): 1233-1249.
      Litt, T. and Stebich, M. 1999. „Bio- and chronostratigraphy of the lateglacial in the Eifel region, Germany“. Quaternary International. 61(1): 5-16.
      Brauer, A., Endres, C., Günter, C., Litt, T., Stebich, M. and Negendank, J.F. 1999. „High resolution sediment and vegetation responses to Younger Dryas climate change in varved lake sediments from Meerfelder Maar, Germany“. Quaternary Science Reviews. 18(3): 321-329.
      Aalbersberg, G. and Litt, T. 1998. „Multiproxy climate reconstructions for the Eemian and Early Weichselian“. Journal of Quaternary Science. 13(5): 367-390.
      Litt, T., Junge, F.W. and Böttger, T. 1996. „Climate during the Eemian in north-central Europe ? a critical review of the palaeobotanical and stable isotope data from central Germany“. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany. 5(3): 247-256.
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