(apl) Prof. Dr. Torsten Wappler


  • Heisenberg Forschungsstipendium der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft

Research interest

    • Pflanzenfressende Insekten im Fossilbericht
    • Systematik, Paläoökologie und Taphonomie der Insekten
    • Biogeographie ausgestorbener Spitzenwanzen (Heteroptera, Tingidae)

    Ongoing projects

    • Drei-dimensionale Digitalisierung von Insektensammlungen - Allseitige Bildgebung und photogrammetrische Oberflächenrekonstruktion (DFG WA 1492/16-1)
    Avatar Wappler

    (apl) Prof. Dr. Torsten Wappler

    Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt, Friedensplatz 1

    64283 Darmstadt


    Finished projects

    • Insect herbivory during the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) in Arctic Spitsbergen – Insides from early Cenozoic high latitudinal floras (DFG WA 1492/9-1)
    • Pliocene Insect Herbivory Dynamics in Central Europe as Key to the Future (DFG WA 1492/11-1)
    • A new palaeontological view on the origination of the ‚modern’ insect fauna (DFG WA 1492/12-1)
    • Evolution of insect-mediated pollination indicated by Palaeogene flowers and insects from Central Europe (DFG WA 1492/6-1)
    • Pattern of plant-insect associations from the Miocene floras of Iceland: Indicator for late Cainozoic plant and insect migration? (EU-SYNTHESYS)
    • Plant-arthropod associations from the Lower Miocene of the Most Basin in northern Bohemia (Czech Republic) (DFG WA 1492/4-1)


    Santos, A.A., Hernández-Orúe, A., Wappler, T., Peñalver, E., Diez, J.B. and Nel, A. 2023. „Late Carboniferous insects from the Iberian Peninsula: State of the art and new taxa“. Palaeontographica Abteilung A. 326(1-6): 1-27.
    de Mazancourt, V., Wappler, T. and Wedmann, S. 2022. „Exceptional preservation of internal organs in a new fossil species of freshwater shrimp (Caridea: Palaemonoidea) from the Eocene of Messel (Germany)“. Scientific Reports. 12(1):
    Deng, W., De Franceschi, D., Xu, X., Del Rio, C., Low, S.L., Zhou, Z., Spicer, R.A., Ren, L., Yang, R., Tian, Y., Wu, M., Yang, J., Liang, S., Wappler, T. and Su, T. 2022. „Plant–insect and –fungal interactions in Taxodium-like wood fossils from the Oligocene of southwestern China“. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 302: 104669.
    Engel, M. S., Barden, P., Perrichot, V., LaPolla, J. S. & Wappler, T. 2022. „Case 3858: Formiciinae Lutz, 1986 (Insecta, Hymenoptera): proposed conservation by replacement of type species for Formicium Westwood, 1854“. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature.
    Jiang, H., Tomaschek, F., Drew Muscente, A., Niu, C., Nyunt, T.T., Fang, Y., Schmidt, U., Chen, J., Lönartz, M., Mähler, B., Wappler, T., Jarzembowski, E.A., Szwedo, J., Zhang, H., Rust, J. and Wang, B. 2022. „Widespread mineralization of soft‐bodied insects in Cretaceous amber“. Geobiology. 20(3): 363-376.
    Li, Q., Deng, W., Wappler, T., Utescher, T., Maslova, N., Liu, Y.(., Jia, H., Song, C., Su, T. and Quan, C. 2022. „High frequency of arthropod herbivore damage in the Miocene Huaitoutala flora from the Qaidam Basin, northern Tibetan Plateau“. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 297: 104569.
    Malekhosseini, M., Ensikat, H., McCoy, V.E., Wappler, T., Weigend, M., Kunzmann, L. and Rust, J. 2022. „Traces of calcium oxalate biomineralization in fossil leaves from late Oligocene maar deposits from Germany“. Scientific Reports. 12(1): 15959.
    Moreno-Domínguez, R., Maccracken, S.A., Santos, A.A. and Wappler, T. 2022. „Plant–insect interactions from the Late Oligocene of Spain (La Val fossil site, Estadilla, Huesca) and their palaeoclimatological implications“. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 586: 110782.
    Nel, A., Santos, A.A., Hernández-Orúe, A., Wappler, T., Diez, J.B. and Peñalver, E. 2022. „The First Representative of the Roachoid Family Spiloblattinidae (Insecta, Dictyoptera) from the Late Pennsylvanian of the Iberian Peninsula“. Insects. 13(9): 828.
    Santos, A.A., Nel, A., Rodríguez-Barreiro, I., Sender, L.M., Wappler, T. and Diez, J.B. 2022. „Insect and Plant Diversity in Hot-Spring Ecosystems during the Jurassic-Cretaceous Boundary from Spain (Aguilar Fm., Palencia)“. Biology. 11(2): 273.
    Santos, A.A., Xiao, L., Labandeira, C.C., Néraudeau, D., Dépré, É., Moreau, J., Perrichot, V. and Wappler, T. 2022. „Plant–insect interactions from the mid-Cretaceous at Puy-Puy (Aquitaine Basin, western France) indicates preferential herbivory for angiosperms amid a forest of ferns, gymnosperms, and angiosperms“. Botany Letters. 169(4): 568-587.
    Sender, L.M., Wappler, T., García-Ávila, M., Santos, A.A. and Diez, J.B. 2022. „First plant-insect interactions on Cretaceous Caytoniales (genus Sagenopteris) from the Lower Cretaceous (Albian) of Spain“. Cretaceous Research. 138: 105295.
    Wang, X., Ding, Q., Santos, A.A. and Wappler, T. 2022. „Nilssoniopteris longifolius Chang from the Middle–Late Jurassic of China: Implications for Bennettitales-insect interactions“. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 297: 104582.
    Deregnaucourt, I., Wappler, T., Anderson, J.M. and Béthoux, O. 2021. „The wing venation of the Protomyrmeleontidae (Insecta: Odonatoptera) reconsidered thanks to a new specimen from Molteno (Triassic: South Africa)“. Historical Biology. 33(3): 306-312.
    Engel, M.S., Ceríaco, L.M.P., Daniel, G.M., Dellapé, P.M., Löbl, I., Marinov, M., Reis, R.E., Young, M.T., Dubois, A., Agarwal, I., Lehmann A., P., Alvarado, M., Alvarez, N., Andreone, F., Araujo-Vieira, K., Ascher, J.S., Baêta, D., Baldo, D., Bandeira, S.A., Barden, P., Barrasso, D.A., Bendifallah, L., Bockmann, F.A., Böhme, W., Borkent, A., Brandão, C.R.F., Busack, S.D., Bybee, S.M., Channing, A., Chatzimanolis, S., Christenhusz, M.J.M., Crisci, J.V., D’elía, G., Da Costa, L.M., Davis, S.R., De Lucena, C.A.S., Deuve, T., Fernandes Elizalde, S., Faivovich, J., Farooq, H., Ferguson, A.W., Gippoliti, S., Gonçalves, F.M.P., Gonzalez, V.H., Greenbaum, E., Hinojosa-Díaz, I.A., Ineich, I., Jiang, J., Kahono, S., Kury, A.B., Lucinda, P.H.F., Lynch, J.D., Malécot, V., Marques, M.P., Marris, J.W.M., Mckellar, R.C., Mendes, L.F., Nihei, S.S., Nishikawa, K., Ohler, A., Orrico, V.G.D., Ota, H., Paiva, J., Parrinha, D., Pauwels, O.S.G., Pereyra, M.O., Pestana, L.B., Pinheiro, P.D.P., Prendini, L., Prokop, J., Rasmussen, C., Rödel, M., Rodrigues, M.T., Rodríguez, S.M., Salatnaya, H., Sampaio, Í., Sánchez-García, A., Shebl, M.A., Santos, B.S., Solórzano-Kraemer, M.M., Sousa, A.C.A., Stoev, P., Teta, P., Trape, J., Dos Santos, C.V., Vasudevan, K., Vink, C.J., Vogel, G., Wagner, P., Wappler, T., Ware, J.L., Wedmann, S. and Zacharie, C.K. 2021. „The taxonomic impediment: a shortage of taxonomists, not the lack of technical approaches“. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 193(2): 381-387.
    Hauschke, N., Kozur, H. W., Rust, J., Schulz, M., Schweigert, G., Seegis, D., Wappler, T. & Wilde, V. 2021. „Arthropoden der Germanischen Trias“. In: Aufbruch in das Erdmittelalter - TRIAS. pp. 283-296. N. Hauschke, M. Franz & G. H. Bachmann (Eds.). Pfeil.
    Kohli, M., Letsch, H., Greve, C., Béthoux, O., Deregnaucourt, I., Liu, S., Zhou, X., Donath, A., Mayer, C., Podsiadlowski, L., Gunkel, S., Machida, R., Niehuis, O., Rust, J., Wappler, T., Yu, X., Misof, B. and Ware, J. 2021. „Evolutionary history and divergence times of Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) revealed through transcriptomics“. iScience. 24(11): 103324.
    Koziol, M. & Wappler, T. 2021. „Smaller than Small, the Unique Eocene Louse!“. Geoconservation Research. 4(2): 557-560.
    Legalov, A.A. and Wappler, T. 2021. „The oldest record of straight-snouted weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea: Brentidae: Brentinae) from the Eocene of Germany“. Historical Biology. 33(9): 1464-1472.
    Santos, A.A., Sender, L.M., Wappler, T., Engel, M.S. and Diez, J.B. 2021. „A Robinson Crusoe story in the fossil record: Plant-insect interactions from a Middle Jurassic ephemeral volcanic island (Eastern Spain)“. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 583: 110655.
    Waichert, C., Rodriguez, J., Rapoza, M. and Wappler, T. 2021. „The oldest species of Pompilidae to date, a new fossil spider wasp (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae)“. Historical Biology. 33(7): 1008-1011.
    Xu, X., Deng, W., Zhou, Z., Wappler, T. and Su, T. 2021. „The first Fulgoridae (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha) from the Eocene of the central Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau“. Fossil Record. 24(2): 263-274.
    Adroit, B., Zhuang, X., Wappler, T., Terral, J. and Wang, B. 2020. „A case of long-term herbivory: specialized feeding trace on Parrotia (Hamamelidaceae) plant species“. Royal Society Open Science. 7(10): 201449.
    BROCKHAUS, T., MÜLLER, O., NEL, A., POSCHMANN, M.J. and WAPPLER, T. 2020. „Fossil dragonflies (Odonata: Anisoptera) from the late Oligocene Fossil-Lagerstätte Enspel (Rhineland-Palatinate, SW Germany)“. Palaeoentomology. 3(3): 284-300.
    Deng, W., Su, T., Wappler, T., Liu, J., Li, S., Huang, J., Tang, H., Low, S.L., Wang, T., Xu, H., Xu, X., Liu, P. and Zhou, Z. 2020. „Sharp changes in plant diversity and plant-herbivore interactions during the Eocene–Oligocene transition on the southeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau“. Global and Planetary Change. 194: 103293.
    Nel, A., Wang, B., Engel, M.S., Huang, J., Jia, L., Su, T. and Wappler, T. 2020. „Leaf-mimicking katydids from the Middle Miocene of Yunnan, southwestern China (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)“. PalZ. 94(2): 255-261.
    Néraudeau, D., Vullo, R., Bénéfice, P., Breton, G., Dépré, É., Gaspard, D., Girard, V., Le Couls, M., Moreau, J., Nel, A., Perrichot, V., Solórzano-Kraemer, M.M. and Wappler, T. 2020. „The paralic Albian–Cenomanian Puy-Puy Lagerstätte (Aquitaine Basin,  France): An overview and new data“. Cretaceous Research. 111: 104124.
    Tierney, A., Deregnaucourt, I., Anderson, J.M., Tierney, P., Wappler, T. and Béthoux, O. 2020. „The Triassic Mesophlebiidae, a little closer to the crown of the Odonata (Insecta) than other ‘triassolestids’“. Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology. 44(2): 279-285.
    Vasilikopoulos, A., Misof, B., Meusemann, K., Lieberz, D., Flouri, T., Beutel, R.G., Niehuis, O., Wappler, T., Rust, J., Peters, R.S., Donath, A., Podsiadlowski, L., Mayer, C., Bartel, D., Böhm, A., Liu, S., Kapli, P., Greve, C., Jepson, J.E., Liu, X., Zhou, X., Aspöck, H. and Aspöck, U. 2020. „An integrative phylogenomic approach to elucidate the evolutionary history and divergence times of Neuropterida (Insecta: Holometabola)“. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 20(1):
    Evangelista, D.A., Wipfler, B., Béthoux, O., Donath, A., Fujita, M., Kohli, M.K., Legendre, F., Liu, S., Machida, R., Misof, B., Peters, R.S., Podsiadlowski, L., Rust, J., Schuette, K., Tollenaar, W., Ware, J.L., Wappler, T., Zhou, X., Meusemann, K. and Simon, S. 2019. „An integrative phylogenomic approach illuminates the evolutionary history of cockroaches and termites (Blattodea)“. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 286(1895): 20182076.
    Filho, E.B.d.S., Adami-Rodrigues, K., Lima, F.J.d., Bantim, R.A.M., Wappler, T. and Saraiva, A.Á.F. 2019. „Evidence of plant–insect interaction in the Early Cretaceous Flora from the Crato Formation, Araripe Basin, Northeast Brazil“. Historical Biology. 31(7): 926-937.
    Kunzmann, L., Moraweck, K., Müller, C., Schröder, I., Wappler, T., Grein, M. and Roth-Nebelsick, A. 2019. „A Paleogene leaf flora (Profen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany) and its potentials for palaeoecological and palaeoclimate reconstructions“. Flora. 254: 71-87.
    Micklich, N., Baranov, V. and Wappler, T. 2019. „New information on the feeding habits of the percomorph Rhenanoperca minuta, together with a short look at other fish species from the Eocene Messel Formation of Germany“. Bulletin of Geosciences. 315-336.
    SELDEN, P.A. and WAPPLER, T. 2019. „A new spider (Arachnida: Araneae) from the Middle Eocene Messel Maar, Germany“. Palaeoentomology. 2(6): 596-601.
    Singh, H., Prasad, M. & Wappler, T. 2019. „An early Eocene floral assemblage from the Cambay Shale (Tarkeshwar Lignite Mine) Formation, Gujarat: Palaeoclimatic and phytogeographical implications“. Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India. 62(2): 184-226.
    van Eldijk, T. & Wappler, T.2019 2019. „The insects of the Winterswijk Muschelkalk“. Staringia. 16(5/6): 195-197.
    Adroit, B., Girard, V., Kunzmann, L., Terral, J. and Wappler, T. 2018. „Plant-insect interactions patterns in three European paleoforests of the late-Neogene—early-Quaternary“. PeerJ. 6: e5075.
    Adroit, B., Malekhosseini, M., Girard, V., Abedi, M., Rajaei, H., Terral, J. and Wappler, T. 2018. „Changes in pattern of plant-insect interactions on the Persian ironwood (Parrotia persica, Hamamelidaceae) over the last 3 million years“. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 258: 22-35.
    Engel, M.S., Wang, B., Alqarni, A.S., Jia, L., Su, T., Zhou, Z. and Wappler, T. 2018. „A primitive honey bee from the Middle Miocene deposits of southeastern Yunnan, China (Hymenoptera, Apidae)“. ZooKeys. 775: 117-129.
    Katzke, J., Barden, P., Dehon, M., Michez, D. and Wappler, T. 2018. „Giant ants and their shape: revealing relationships in the genusTitanomyrmawith geometric morphometrics“. PeerJ. 6: e4242.
    Moldrzyk, U. and Gallé, L. 2018. „Research and Open Questions—A Modern Concept Behind Berlins T. rex Presentation of Tristan Otto“. Paleontological Collections of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. 1-14.
    Müller, C., Wappler, T. and Kunzmann, L. 2018. „Insect herbivory patterns in late Eocene coastal lowland riparian associations from central Germany“. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 491: 170-184.
    van Eldijk, T.J.B., Wappler, T., Strother, P.K., van der Weijst, C.M.H., Rajaei, H., Visscher, H. and van de Schootbrugge, B. 2018. „A Triassic-Jurassic window into the evolution of Lepidoptera“. Science Advances. 4(1):
    Bernardi, M., Petti, F.M., Kustatscher, E., Franz, M., Hartkopf-Fröder, C., Labandeira, C.C., Wappler, T., van Konijnenburg-van Cittert, J.H., Peecook, B.R. and Angielczyk, K.D. 2017. „Late Permian (Lopingian) terrestrial ecosystems: A global comparison with new data from the low-latitude Bletterbach Biota“. Earth-Science Reviews. 175: 18-43.
    Deregnaucourt, I., Wappler, T., Anderson, J. and Bethoux, O. 2017. „A new triadotypid insect from the Late Triassic of South Africa“. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 62:
    Grímsson, F., Zetter, R., Labandeira, C.C., Engel, M.S. and Wappler, T. 2017. „Taxonomic description of in situ bee pollen from the middle Eocene of Germany“. Grana. 56(1): 37-70.
    Kunzmann, L., Müller, C., Moraweck, K., Bräutigam, D., Wappler, T. and Nel, A. 2017. „First record of insects in lignite-bearing formations (upper Eocene) of the central German Leipzig Embayment“. PalZ. 91(3): 315-326.
    Kustatscher, E., Van Konijnenburg-van Cittert, J. H. A., Looy, C. V., Labandeira, C. C., Wappler, T., Butzmann, R., Fischer, T. C., Krings, M., H., K. & Vissher, H. 2017. „The Lopingian (Late Permian) flora from the Bletterbach Gorge in the Dolomites, Northern Italy: a review“. Geo Alp. 14: 39-61.
    Möller, A.L., Kaulfuss, U., Lee, D.E. and Wappler, T. 2017. „High richness of insect herbivory from the early Miocene Hindon Maar crater, Otago, New Zealand“. PeerJ. 5: e2985.
    Peters, R.S., Krogmann, L., Mayer, C., Donath, A., Gunkel, S., Meusemann, K., Kozlov, A., Podsiadlowski, L., Petersen, M., Lanfear, R., Diez, P.A., Heraty, J., Kjer, K.M., Klopfstein, S., Meier, R., Polidori, C., Schmitt, T., Liu, S., Zhou, X., Wappler, T., Rust, J., Misof, B. and Niehuis, O. 2017. „Evolutionary History of the Hymenoptera“. Current Biology. 27(7): 1013-1018.
    Skartveit, J., Grímsson, F. and Wappler, T. 2017. „Bibionidae (Diptera) from the late Miocene of Hrútagil (Mókollsdalur), Iceland“. PalZ. 91(2): 195-205.
    van Eldijk, T., Goris, G., Haarhuis, A., Lankamp, J., Winkelhorst, H., Reumer, J., Nel, A. and Wappler, T. 2017. „New fossil insects from the Anisian (Lower to Middle Muschelkalk) from the Central European Basin (Germany and The Netherlands)“. PalZ. 91(2): 185-194.
    Adroit, B., Wappler, T., Terral, J., Ali, A.A. and Girard, V. 2016. „Bernasso, a paleoforest from the early Pleistocene: New input from plant–insect interactions (Hérault, France)“. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 446: 78-84.
    Kolibáč, J., Adroit, B., Gröning, E., Brauckmann, C. and Wappler, T. 2016. „First record of the family Trogossitidae (Insecta, Coleoptera) in the Late Pliocene deposits of Willershausen (Germany)“. PalZ. 90(4): 681-689.
    Labandeira, C.C., Kustatscher, E. and Wappler, T. 2016. „Floral Assemblages and Patterns of Insect Herbivory during the Permian to Triassic of Northeastern Italy“. PLOS ONE. 11(11): e0165205.
    Mähler, B., Wappler, T., Sanmugaraja, M., Menger, F. and Koenigswald, W.v. 2016. „Upper Pleistocene blow flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) trapped in fossilized crania of large mammals discovered from gravel pits in the Rhine rift valley from Hesse (Germany)“. Palaeontologia Electronica.
    Rust, J. and Wappler, T. 2016. „Palaeontology: The Point of No Return in the Fossil Record of Eusociality“. Current Biology. 26(4): R159-R161.
    Wang, B., Xia, F., Engel, M.S., Perrichot, V., Shi, G., Zhang, H., Chen, J., Jarzembowski, E.A., Wappler, T. and Rust, J. 2016. „Debris-carrying camouflage among diverse lineages of Cretaceous insects“. Science Advances. 2(6):
    Wappler, T. and Grímsson, F. 2016. „Before the ‘Big Chill’: Patterns of plant-insect associations from the Neogene of Iceland“. Global and Planetary Change. 142: 73-86.
    Gunkel, S. and Wappler, T. 2015. „Plant-insect interactions in the upper Oligocene of Enspel (Westerwald, Germany), including an extended mathematical framework for rarefaction“. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments. 95(1): 55-75.
    Kjer, K.M., Ware, J.L., Rust, J., Wappler, T., Lanfear, R., Jermiin, L.S., Zhou, X., Aspöck, H., Aspöck, U., Beutel, R.G., Blanke, A., Donath, A., Flouri, T., Frandsen, P.B., Kapli, P., Kawahara, A.Y., Letsch, H., Mayer, C., McKenna, D.D., Meusemann, K., Niehuis, O., Peters, R.S., Wiegmann, B.M., Yeates, D.K., von Reumont, B.M., Stamatakis, A. and Misof, B. 2015. „Response to Comment on “Phylogenomics resolves the timing and pattern of insect evolution”“. Science. 349(6247): 487-487.
    Knor, S., Kvaček, Z., Wappler, T. and Prokop, J. 2015. „Diversity, taphonomy and palaeoecology of plant–arthropod interactions in the lower Miocene (Burdigalian) in the Most Basin in north-western Bohemia (Czech Republic)“. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 219: 52-70.
    Kotov, A. and Wappler, T. 2015. „Findings of Daphnia (Ctenodaphnia) Dybowski et Grochowski (Branchiopoda: Cladocera) in Cenozoic volcanogenic lakes in Germany, with discussion of their indicator value“. Palaeontologia Electronica. 18.2.40A: 1-9.
    Marchetti, L., Forte, G., Bernardi, M., Wappler, T., Hartkopf-Fröder, C., Krainer, K. and Kustatscher, E. 2015. „Reconstruction of a Late Cisuralian (Early Permian) floodplain lake environment: Palaeontology and sedimentology of the Tregiovo Basin (Trentino-Alto Adige, Northern Italy)“. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 440: 180-200.
    Su, T., Adams, J.M., Wappler, T., Huang, Y., Jacques, F.M.B., Liu, Y.(. and Zhou, Z. 2015. „Resilience of plant-insect interactions in an oak lineage through Quaternary climate change“. Paleobiology. 41(1): 174-186.
    Wang, B., Xia, F., Wappler, T., Simon, E., Zhang, H., Jarzembowski, E.A. and Szwedo, J. 2015. „Brood care in a 100-million-year-old scale insect“. eLife. 4:
    Wappler, T., Guilbert, E., Labandeira, C.C., Hörnschemeyer, T. and Wedmann, S. 2015. „Morphological and Behavioral Convergence in Extinct and Extant Bugs: The Systematics and Biology of a New Unusual Fossil Lace Bug from the Eocene“. PLOS ONE. 10(8): e0133330.
    Wappler, T., Heiss, E. and Wedmann, S. 2015. „New flatbug (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Aradidae) records from the Middle Eocene Messel Maar, Germany“. Paläontologische Zeitschrift. 89(3): 653-660.
    Wappler, T., Kustatscher, E. and Dellantonio, E. 2015. „Plant–insect interactions from Middle Triassic (late Ladinian) of Monte Agnello (Dolomites, N-Italy)—initial pattern and response to abiotic environmental perturbations“. PeerJ. 3: e921.
    Wappler, T., Labandeira, C.C., Engel, M.S., Zetter, R. and Grímsson, F. 2015. „Specialized and Generalized Pollen-Collection Strategies in an Ancient Bee Lineage“. Current Biology. 25(23): 3092-3098.
    Chen, J., Wang, B., Engel, M.S., Wappler, T., Jarzembowski, E.A., Zhang, H., Wang, X., Zheng, X. and Rust, J. 2014. „Extreme adaptations for aquatic ectoparasitism in a Jurassic fly larva“. eLife. 3: e02844.
    Kustatscher, E., Franz, M., Heunisch, C., Reich, M. and Wappler, T. 2014. „Floodplain habitats of braided river systems: depositional environment, flora and fauna of the Solling Formation (Buntsandstein, Lower Triassic) from Bremke and Fürstenberg (Germany)“. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments. 94(2): 237-270.
    Misof, B., Liu, S., Meusemann, K., Peters, R.S., Donath, A., Mayer, C., Frandsen, P.B., Ware, J., Flouri, T., Beutel, R.G., Niehuis, O., Petersen, M., Izquierdo-Carrasco, F., Wappler, T., Rust, J., Aberer, A.J., Aspöck, U., Aspöck, H., Bartel, D., Blanke, A., Berger, S., Böhm, A., Buckley, T.R., Calcott, B., Chen, J., Friedrich, F., Fukui, M., Fujita, M., Greve, C., Grobe, P., Gu, S., Huang, Y., Jermiin, L.S., Kawahara, A.Y., Krogmann, L., Kubiak, M., Lanfear, R., Letsch, H., Li, Y., Li, Z., Li, J., Lu, H., Machida, R., Mashimo, Y., Kapli, P., McKenna, D.D., Meng, G., Nakagaki, Y., Navarrete-Heredia, J.L., Ott, M., Ou, Y., Pass, G., Podsiadlowski, L., Pohl, H., von Reumont, B.M., Schütte, K., Sekiya, K., Shimizu, S., Slipinski, A., Stamatakis, A., Song, W., Su, X., Szucsich, N.U., Tan, M., Tan, X., Tang, M., Tang, J., Timelthaler, G., Tomizuka, S., Trautwein, M., Tong, X., Uchifune, T., Walzl, M.G., Wiegmann, B.M., Wilbrandt, J., Wipfler, B., Wong, T.K.F., Wu, Q., Wu, G., Xie, Y., Yang, S., Yang, Q., Yeates, D.K., Yoshizawa, K., Zhang, Q., Zhang, R., Zhang, W., Zhang, Y., Zhao, J., Zhou, C., Zhou, L., Ziesmann, T., Zou, S., Li, Y., Xu, X., Zhang, Y., Yang, H., Wang, J., Wang, J., Kjer, K.M. and Zhou, X. 2014. „Phylogenomics resolves the timing and pattern of insect evolution“. Science. 346(6210): 763-767.
    Roghi, G., Kustatscher, E., Massimo, B., Dal Corso, J., Forte, G., Franz, M., Hochuli, P., Krainer, K., Massimo Petti, F., Ragazzi, E., Riva, A., Wappler, T. and Gianolla, P. 2014. „Field trip to Permo-Triassic Palaeobotanical and Palynological sites of the Southern Alps“. Geo. Alp. 2014(11): 29-84.
    Wang, B., Rust, J., Engel, M.S., Szwedo, J., Dutta, S., Nel, A., Fan, Y., Meng, F., Shi, G., Jarzembowski, E.A., Wappler, T., Stebner, F., Fang, Y., Mao, L., Zheng, D. and Zhang, H. 2014. „A Diverse Paleobiota in Early Eocene Fushun Amber from China“. Current Biology. 24(14): 1606-1610.
    Wappler, T., Dlussky, G.M., Engel, M.S., Prokop, J. and Knor, S. 2014. „A new trap-jaw ant species of the genus Odontomachus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Ponerinae) from the Early Miocene (Burdigalian) of the Czech Republic“. Paläontologische Zeitschrift. 88(4): 495-502.
    Wappler, T., Grímsson, F., Wang, B., Nel, A., Ólafsson, E., Kotov, A.A., Davis, S.R. and Engel, M.S. 2014. „Before the ‘Big Chill’: A preliminary overview of arthropods from the middle Miocene of Iceland (Insecta, Crustacea)“. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 401: 1-12.
    Haug, J., Leipner, A., Wappler, T. and Haug, C. 2013. „Palaeozoic insect nymphs: new finds from the Piesberg quarry (Upper Carboniferous, Germany)“. Bulletin of Geosciences. 88(4): 779-791.
    Háva, J. and Wappler, T. 2013. „A new genus and species of Dermestidae (Coleoptera) from the Eckfeld Maar crater (Middle Eocene, Germany)“. Bulletin of Geosciences. 89(1): 67-74.
    Knor, S., Skuhravá, M., Wappler, T. and Prokop, J. 2013. „Galls and gall makers on plant leaves from the lower Miocene (Burdigalian) of the Czech Republic: Systematic and palaeoecological implications“. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 188: 38-51.
    Kolibáč, J. & Wappler, T. 2013. „Fossilbericht der Buntkäfer (Cleridae)“. In: Die Buntkäfer in Rheinland-Pfalz und im Saarland. pp. 28-31. M. Niehuis (Ed.). Gesellschaft für Naturschutz und Ornithologie Rheinland-Pfalz e.V. (GNOR)..
    Kotthoff, U., Wappler, T. and Engel, M.S. 2013. „Greater past disparity and diversity hints at ancient migrations of European honey bee lineages into Africa and Asia“. Journal of Biogeography. 40(10): 1832-1838.
    Nel, A., Roques, P., Nel, P., Prokin, A.A., Bourgoin, T., Prokop, J., Szwedo, J., Azar, D., Desutter-Grandcolas, L., Wappler, T., Garrouste, R., Coty, D., Huang, D., Engel, M.S. and Kirejtshuk, A.G. 2013. „The earliest known holometabolous insects“. Nature. 503(7475): 257-261.
    Hartkopf-Fröder, C., Rust, J., Wappler, T., Friis, E.M. and Viehofen, A. 2012. „Mid-Cretaceous charred fossil flowers reveal direct observation of arthropod feeding strategies“. Biology Letters. 8(2): 295-298.
    Knor, S., Prokop, J., Kvaček, Z., Janovský, Z. and Wappler, T. 2012. „Plant–arthropod associations from the Early Miocene of the Most Basin in North Bohemia—Palaeoecological and palaeoclimatological implications“. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 321-322: 102-112.
    Moisan, P., Labandeira, C.C., Matushkina, N.A., Wappler, T., Voigt, S. and Kerp, H. 2012. „Lycopsid–arthropod associations and odonatopteran oviposition on Triassic herbaceous Isoetites“. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 344-345: 6-15.
    Schmidt, A.R., Jancke, S., Lindquist, E.E., Ragazzi, E., Roghi, G., Nascimbene, P.C., Schmidt, K., Wappler, T. and Grimaldi, D.A. 2012. „Arthropods in amber from the Triassic Period“. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 109(37): 14796-14801.
    WAPPLER, T., DE MEULEMEESTER, T., MURAT AYTEKIN, A., MICHEZ, D. and ENGEL, M.S. 2012. „Geometric morphometric analysis of a new Miocene bumble bee from the Randeck Maar of southwestern Germany (Hymenoptera: Apidae)“. Systematic Entomology. 37(4): 784-792.
    Wappler, T., Labandeira, C.C., Rust, J., Frankenhäuser, H. and Wilde, V. 2012. „Testing for the Effects and Consequences of Mid Paleogene Climate Change on Insect Herbivory“. PLoS ONE. 7(7): e40744.
    Braz, F.F., Utida, G., Bernardes-de-Oliveira, M.E.C., Mohr, B. and Wappler, T. 2011. „Marcas de atividades de insetos em folhas ninfealeanas eocretáceas da Formação Crato, Bacia do Araripe, Brasil“. Paleontologia: Cenários de Vida. Editora Interciência, Rio de Janeiro. 2011: 209-219.
    Engel, M., Kotthoff, U. and Wappler, T. 2011. „Miocene honey bees from the Randeck Maar of southwestern Germany (Hymenoptera, Apidae)“. ZooKeys. 96: 11-37.
    Engel, M.S., Kotthoff, U. and Wappler, T. 2011. „Case 3544ApisarmbrusteriZeuner, 1931 (Insecta, Hymenoptera): proposed conservation by designation of a neotype“. The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature. 68(2): 117-121.
    Hughes, D.P., Wappler, T. and Labandeira, C.C. 2011. „Ancient death-grip leaf scars reveal ant–fungal parasitism“. Biology Letters. 7(1): 67-70.
    Kaulfuss, U., Wappler, T., Heiss, E. and Larivière, M. 2011. „Aneurussp. from the early Miocene Foulden Maar, New Zealand: the first Southern Hemisphere record of fossil Aradidae (Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera)“. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand. 41(4): 279-285.
    Wappler, T. and Denk, T. 2011. „Herbivory in early Tertiary Arctic forests“. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 310(3-4): 283-295.
    Wappler, T., & Rust, J. 2011. „Die fossile Saltatorien- und Mantiden-Fauna von Rheinland-Pfalz“. In: Die Fang- und Heuschrecken in Rheinland-Pfalz. pp. 68-69. M. A. Pfeifer, M. Niehuis & C. Renker (Eds.). Gesellschaft für Naturschutz und Ornithologie Rheinland-Pfalz e.V. (GNOR).
    Wappler, T., Petrulevičius, J.F., Nel, A. and Rust, J. 2011. „The diversity of Odonata and their endophytic ovipositions from the Upper Oligocene Fossillagerstätte of Rott (Rhineland, Germany)“. ZooKeys. 130: 67-89.
    LUTZ, H., KAULFUSS, U., WAPPLER, T., LÖHNERTZ, W., WILDE, V., MERTZ, D.F., MINGRAM, J., FRANZEN, J.L., FRANKENHÄUSER, H. and KOZIOL, M. 2010. „Eckfeld Maar: Window into an Eocene Terrestrial Habitat in Central Europe“. Acta Geologica Sinica - English Edition. 84(4): 984-1009.
    WANG, B., ZHANG, H., WAPPLER, T. and RUST, J. 2010. „Palaeontinidae (Insecta: Hemiptera: Cicadomorpha) from the Upper Jurassic Solnhofen Limestone of Germany and their phylogenetic significance“. Geological Magazine. 147(4): 570-580.
    Wappler, T. 2010. „Insect herbivory close to the Oligocene–Miocene transition — A quantitative analysis“. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 292(3-4): 540-550.
    Wappler, T., Tokuda, M., Yukawa, J. and Wilde, V. 2010. „Insect herbivores on Laurophyllum lanigeroides (Engelhardt 1922) Wilde: the role of a distinct plant-insect associational suite in host taxonomic assignment“. Palaeontographica Abteilung B. 283(4-6): 137-155.
    Winkler, I.S., Labandeira, C.C., Wappler, T. and Wilf, P. 2010. „Distinguishing Agromyzidae (Diptera) Leaf Mines in the Fossil Record: New Taxa from the Paleogene of North America and Germany and Their Evolutionary Implications“. Journal of Paleontology. 84(5): 935-954.
    Aristov, D.S., Wappler, T. and Rasnitsyn, A.P. 2009. „New and little-known grylloblattids of the family Geinitziidae (Insecta: Grylloblattida) from the Triassic and Jurassic of Europe, Asia, and South Africa“. Paleontological Journal. 43(4): 418-424.
    SCHMIED, H., WAPPLER, T. and KOLIBÁČ, J. 2009. „A new bark-gnawing beetle (Coleoptera, Trogossitidae) from the middle Eocene of Europe, with a checklist of fossil Trogossitidae“. Zootaxa. 1993(1): 17-26.
    Wappler, T., Currano, E.D., Wilf, P., Rust, J. and Labandeira, C.C. 2009. „No post-Cretaceous ecosystem depression in European forests? Rich insect-feeding damage on diverse middle Palaeocene plants, Menat, France“. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 276(1677): 4271-4277.
    Wappler, T., Dlussky, G.M. and Reuter, M. 2009. „The first fossil record of Polyrhachis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Formicinae) from the Upper Miocene of Crete (Greece)“. Paläontologische Zeitschrift. 83(3): 431-438.
    Wedmann, S., Wappler, T. and Engel, M.S. 2009. „Direct and indirect fossil records of megachilid bees from the Paleogene of Central Europe (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae)“. Naturwissenschaften. 96(6): 703-712.
    Petrulevičius, J.F., Wappler, T., Wedmann, S., Rust, J. and Nel, A. 2008. „New megapodagrionid damselflies (Odonata: Zygoptera) from the Paleogene of Europe“. Journal of Paleontology. 82(6): 1173-1181.
    Wappler, T. and Ben-Dov, Y. 2008. „Preservation of Armoured Scale Insects on Angiosperm Leaves from the Eocene of Germany“. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 53(4): 627-634.
    Frankenhäuser, H., Franzen, J.L., Kaulfuß, U., Koziol, M., Löhnertz, W., Lutz, H., Mertz, D.F., Mingram, J., Wappler, T. and Wilde, W. 2007. „Das Eckfelder Maar in der Vulkaneifel - Fenster in einem küstenfernen Lebensraum vor 44 Millionen Jahren“. Mainzer Naturwissenschaftliches Archiv. 47(Festschrift): 263-324.
    Wappler, T., & Petrulevičius, J. F. 2007. „Priscalestidae, a new damselfly family (Odonata: Lestinoidea) from the Middle Eocene Eckfeld maar of Germany“. Alavesia. 1: 69-73.
    Wappler, T., Wedmann, S. & Rust, J. 2007. „Die Fossilgeschichte der Wanzen - ein Überblick“. Mainzer Naturwissenschaftliches Archiv, Beiheft. 31: 47-61.
    Wappler, T. 2006. „Lutetiacader, a puzzling new genus of cantacaderid lace bugs (Heteroptera: Tingidae) from the Middle Eocene Messel maar, Germany.“. Palaeontology. 49(2): 435-444.
    Wappler, T. & Heiss, E. 2006. „Flatbugs from Paleogene limnic sediments. I. Grube Messel (Heteroptera: Aradidae)“. Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne. 75: 207-217.
    Wappler, T. & Heiss, E. 2006. „Flatbugs from Paleogene limnic sediments. II. Eckfeld maar (Heteroptera: Aradidae)“. Mainzer Naturwissenschaftliches Archiv. 44: 53-60.
    Wappler, T. & Heiss, E. 2006. „Flatbugs from Paleogene limnic sediments. III. Enspel (Heteroptera: Aradidae).“. Zeitschrift der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Österreichischer Entomologen. 58: 39-44.
    Wappler, T., Engel, M. S., & Haas, F. 2005. „The earwigs (Dermaptera: Forficulidae) from the middle Eocene Eckfeld maar, Germany“. Polish Journal or Entomology. 74(3): 227-250.
    Wappler, T., Hinsken, S., Brocks, J. J., Wetzel, A. & Meyer, C. A. 2005. „A fossil sawfly of the genus Athalia (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) from the Eocene-Oligocene boundary of Altkirch, France.“. Comptes Rendus Palevol. 4(1-2): 7-16.
    Wappler, T. 2004. „Notes on a plant-hopper (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Dictyopharidae) from the Middle Eocene Messel maar, Germany.“. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte. 2004(11): 694-704.
    Wappler, T. 2004. „The first lace bug (Insecta: Heteroptera: Tingidae) from the Lower Oligocene deposits near Céreste, France.“. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte. 2004(5): 278-288.
    Wappler, T., & Andersen, N. M. 2004. „Fossil water striders from the Middle Eocene fossil sites Eckfeld and Messel, Germany (Hemiptera, Gerromorpha).“. Paläontologische Zeitschrift. 78(1-2): 41-52.
    Wappler, T., Smith, V.S. and Dalgleish, R.C. 2004. „Scratching an ancient itch: an Eocene bird louse fossil“. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences. 271(suppl_5):
    Wappler, T. 2003. „Die Insekten aus dem Mittel-Eozän des Eckfelder Maares, Vulkaneifel.“. Mainzer Naturwissenschaftliches Archiv, Beiheft. 27: 1-234.
    Wappler, T. 2003. „New fossil lace bugs (Heteroptera: Tingidae) from the Middle Eocene of the Grube Messel (GermanNew fossil lace bugs (Heteroptera: Tingidae) from the Middle Eocene of the Grube Messel (Germany), with a catalog of fossil lace bugs“. Zootaxa. 374: 1-26.
    Wappler, T. 2003. „Systematik, Phylogenie, Taphonomie und Paläoökologie der Insekten aus dem Mittle-Eozän des Eckfelder Maares, Vulkaneifel“. Clausthaler Geowissenschaften. 2: 1-241.
    Wappler, T. 2002. „Dicranoptycha (Insecta: Nematocera: Limoniidae) aus der mitteleozänen Fossillagerstätte Eckfelder Maar bei Manderscheid / Eifel (Deutschland)“. Mainzer Naturwissenschaftliches Archiv. 40: 129-134.
    Wappler, T. 2001. „Haglidae (Insecta: Orthoptera) aus der obertriassischen Molteno Formation im südlichen Afrika“. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen. 222(3): 329-352.
    Wappler, T. 2001. „New orthopteroid insects from the Upper Triassic Molteno Formation, Karoo Basin, southern Africa“. Acta Geologica Leopoldensia. XXIV(52/53): 87-104.
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