Andrea Prino

The topic of my Master's thesis I morphologically identified, described and in certain cases sectioned and studied the bone histology of several fossils of Temnospondily found in Bonenburg, a Late Triassic locality in North-Rhine Westphalia. Part of my thesis was also to investigate the possible reasons for their occurrence in Late Triassic, since they were initially thought to have gone extinct earlier. Beside my thesis, I am interested in early tetrapods in general and I am working on other side projects.

Former institution:

  • University of Bologna (bachelor degree), supervised by Dr. Federico Fanti

Field work:

  • 2023: Krasiejow, Poland
  • 2022: Bonenburg und Ecuador (biodiversity monitoring)
  • 2021: Bonenburg
  • 2019: Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania (volunteer for University of Perugia)

Avatar Prino

M.Sc. Andrea Prino


Meckenheimer Allee 176

53115 Bonn

Vertebrate, Paleoherpetology

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