Darius Nau

Research topics

  • Vertebrate Paleontology with a focus on Dinosaurs

Selected puplications

  • Nau, D., Lallensack, J.N., Bachmann, U. and Sander, P.M. 2020. Postcranial osteology of the first early-stage juvenile skeleton of Plateosaurus trossingensis from the Norian of Frick, Switzerland. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 65 (4): 679–708.
  • Nau, D. 2023. Testing the implications of using scaling from associated dentitions on body size parameters of Otodus megalodon. Conference poster. 48. Arbeitskreis Wirbeltierpaläontologie. Berlin. Germany.
  • Nau, D., Lallensack, J. and Sander, P.M. 2018. Postcranial Osteology of a new, juvenile Skeleton of Plateosaurus (Dinosauria: Sauropodomorpha) from Frick, Switzerland. Conference poster. 66. SVPCA. Manchester, UK.
Avatar Nau

Darius Nau

Vertebrate, WHK


Meckenheimer Allee 176

53115 Bonn

Vertebraten, Paläoherpetologie

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